Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Hello there!
I'm Syardia Erdina, but most people would call me Scha. I'm 27 years old and currently undergoing my Master of Education in TESL programme at UITM Shah Alam.
As for my  EDU702 (Research Methodology) course with Dr. Teoh, we have been assigned to do some work. Well, apart from the presentations, forum and assignments, we've been told to come up with an e-portfolio. This task carries 10% out of the total marks. 

So here is mine! E-portfolio is an electronic portfolio to facilitate students' reflection on their own learning strategies and needs. As for this course, it refers to a collection of students notes, exercises, assignments and announcement in a form of electronic device.

The contents may include:

1. The course information.

2. The course assessment.

3. Some recommended reference

4. Notes.

5. many more...

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