Monday, October 20, 2014

Literature in Primary English Language Curriculum??


I'm having a few dilemma in choosing my research topic. I'm planning on doing a research on the implementation of literature component /language arts in primary schools. But I hardly decide whether to test on it's effectiveness or on the pupils' readiness or on how it could help in improving ones' language skills.

As we know, this is the first year of Year 4 KSSR implementation in primary schools. One of the new components that have been introduced was the contemporary English literature. Studying literature at the secondary school level wasn't new to us, but for the primary level, it is totally a new thing. 

Well, maybe I need to examine the literature content of the curriculum first then I will have a clearer view of what should I choose to become my research topic.

Examine the Literature Content of the Curriculum

The curriculum content is organized in terms of Content Standards and Learning Standards. Content Standards specify the essential knowledge, skills, understandings and strategies that pupils need to learn. Learning Standards describe in detail the degree or quality of proficiency that pupils need to display in relation to the Content Standards for a particular year.

In the initial stages of learning English, pupils will have the opportunity to listen to meaningful English input, in the form of stories or oral descriptions by teachers based on graphic texts. Through listening, pupils will become familiar with words that will be introduced in their early reading and writing lessons. The emphasis in the initial stages will be on vocabulary acquisition.

English is taught as a second language in all Malaysian primary and secondary schools. The mastery of English is essential for pupils to gain access to information and knowledge written in English. In line with the government’s policy on strengthening English, the curriculum has been designed to produce pupils who will be proficient in the language.

The goal of the English language curriculum is to help pupils acquire the language in order to help them use it in their daily lives, to further their studies, and for work purposes.

This curriculum stresses the development of critical literacy. Teachers will provide opportunities for pupils to question and evaluate texts that they listen to, read or view. These opportunities are essential for achieving personal growth and confidence in functioning as an effective and productive member of our society. This is in line with the goals of the National Philosophy of Education which seeks to optimize the intellectual, emotional and spiritual potential of pupils.
The English Language Curriculum for Primary Schools aims to equip pupils with basic language skills to enable them to communicate effectively in a variety of contexts that is appropriate to the pupils’ level of development.

In the language arts module, pupils are trained to show appreciation of and demonstrate understanding of texts read, sing songs, recite rhymes and poems as well as produce creative works for enjoyment.

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